News list for " 1890"

GlassNode: If the current market correction deepens, ETH could fall to $1,890

On February 28th, according to GlassNode's analysis, if the current market correction deepens, ETH may fall to $1,890, which is about 10% lower than the current price. The analysis shows that there is the largest accumulation below the $1,890 price, with about 1.82 million ETH. These tokens were mainly bought in August 2023, indicating the existence of a group of cyclical investors with strong beliefs.

2025-02-28 18:53:33
GlassNode:如果当前市场调整加深,ETH 可能跌至 1890 美元


2025-02-28 18:53:33
《黑神话:悟空》Steam销量达1890万份 总收入近65亿

9月12日讯,根据 VG Insights 的最新数据显示,《黑神话:悟空》在 Steam 平台的销量已达1890万份,总收入超过9.05亿美元(当约64.48亿元)。 此外,《黑神话:悟空》在Steam平台上的通关率和全成就达成率分别达到了31.1% 和6.0%。游戏首位投资人吴旦曾表示,该游戏在其生命周期内有望达到 3000 万套的销量。

2024-09-12 19:09:50
Berkshire Hathaway's first-quarter cash reserves hit a new high of $189 billion

Berkshire Hathaway's cash reserves hit another record high in the first quarter of 2024, according to the earnings report, due to Buffett's lack of big-ticket deals and an increase in operating profit. The company's reserves increased to $189 billion at the end of Quarter 1, surpassing the record it set at the end of last year. The company also reported an operating profit of $11.20 billion in Quarter 1, compared with $8.07 billion in the same period last year. Despite Buffett's warning in May t...

2024-05-04 20:08:08
伯克希尔哈撒韦一季度现金储备达1890亿美元 再创新高


2024-05-04 20:08:08
Hong Kong-listed company Yogao Holdings plans to use HK $18.90 million for Working Funds and MetaSpaceX Web3 business

Yogao Holdings, a Hong Kong-listed company, announced that it has conditionally agreed to place up to 24,000,000 Placing Shares to not less than six placeholders on a good faith basis through the Placing Agent at a price of HK $4.03 per Placing Share and 20% of the net proceeds from the Placing, i.e. approximately HK $18.90 million for general Working Funds and MetaSpaceX Web3 business.

2024-04-28 21:39:53
港股上市公司耀高控股拟将1890万港元用于营运资金及MetaSpaceX Web3业务

港股上市公司耀高控股发布公告,宣布已有条件同意透过配售代理按竭诚基准向不少于六名承配人配售最多24,000,000股配售股份,配售价为每股配售股份4.03 港元,配售事项所得款项净额的20%,即约1890万港元用于一般营运资金及MetaSpaceX Web3业务 。

2024-04-28 21:39:53